Extensis Mask Pro™ is a powerful Adobe Photoshop® plug-in that takes the pain out of creating image masks. The innovative color matching technology and elegant vector-based clipping paths in Extensis Mask Pro slash the time it takes to create professional quality masks compared to using conventional tools.
If you are not familiar with Extensis, we have been building software that extends the productivity of all major graphics arts applications for over three years. Our other award winning products include:
* PageTools for PageMaker
* QX-Tools for QuarkXPress
* Intellihance for Photoshop
* PhotoTools for Photoshop
* CyberPress for QuarkXPress
* Extensis Fetch (Formerly Adobe and Aldus Fetch)
* VectorTools for Illustrator and Freehand
* PreFlight Pro for advanced preflighting
We offer full functioning demos of all our products at our web site; please visit us soon at www.extensis.com and download our productivity enhancing software.
Mask Pro™ only works with:
• A Macintosh computer with a PowerPC CPU
• Mac OS System 7.5.1 or higher
• Adobe Photoshop 3.0.5 or higher
Note: Mask Pro is not compatible with 68k Macintosh models.
Contacting Extensis
To reach us for technical support or general questions please use one of the following methods:
Ph: 503-274-7030
Fax: 503-274-0530
America OnLine: Extensis
CompuServe: 70242,33
Internet: support@extensis.com
Web: www.extensis.com
Our web site includes a detailed, up-to-date FAQ/troubleshooting page for Mask Pro. If you have troubleshooting or functionality questions, please visit www.extensis.com or contact Extensis technical support.
Extensis Corporation
1800 SW First Ave.
Suite 500
Portland, OR 97201
Installing and registering Mask Pro™
The following file is installed into your Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins folder:
Mask Pro™ plug-in
A Mask Pro Preference file is installed into your System Preferences file. This file contains default settings for Mask Pro.
A Mask Pro folder is installed at the root of your startup disk. This folder contains sample images and a Tutorial file.
During the launch of Mask Pro, you will be requested to serialize and register the software. Please enter the serial number located on the back of the manual. If you do not have a serial number, you can choose to run Mask Pro in demo mode; demo mode allows full functionality for 30 days.
Please register using one of the built-in electronic registration methods. If you do not have a modem, fax/modem, or printer, you may fill out the registration card in the back of the manual.
Microtek Scanners
Microtek scanners may interfere with the built-in electronic registration process. If you are using a Microtek scanner, please turn it off before attempting to register Mask Pro. You may turn the scanner back on once the registration process is complete.
Manual Errata
On page 11 the manual states the Magic Fill tool can be used "...to patch any holes that may cause a leak when you try fill large areas with the regular Bucket tool."
On page 12: "You could also use the Magic Fill tool to fix any leaks you might see in your mask."
Note: The Magic fill tool will fill specks and dots, not full regions in your image. If you want to fill large areas of your image, please use the standard Fill tool.
General Notes and Compatibility Comments
1) RAM Charger - It is recommended that RAM Charger not be set up for Photoshop. Photoshop uses its own internal memory management techniques. Please refer to the RAM Charger manual for specifics on how to exclude Photoshop from RAM Charger's configuration.
2) If you are experiencing PhotoBars displaying in Mask Pro, please go to your Mask Pro CD and install the version of PhotoTools located in the Mask Pro folder. This will install a new version of PhotoBars that does not exhibit this problem.
3) Mask Pro is not compatible with versions of DirectCursors earlier than 3.0.5. If you are experiencing system errors while using Mask Pro, please check your version of DirectCursors. You can get an updated version by going to the following URL:
4) Mask Pro uses Photoshop memory for its work. If you are running Mask Pro and getting "out of memory" errors you will need to increase your Photoshop application memory partition to accommodate the larger image size and Mask Pro's memory requirement. You can also crop or "rough mask" your image before entering Mask Pro. This action will reduce the amount of image/pixels that Mask Pro needs to display while the filter is open.